Environmental and Sustainability Committee         


17th of September 2024


GIF Bid Carbon Literacy Accreditation

Purpose of the report

To make a decision

Report Author

Gina Cook - Climate Change Officer (Projects)

Tim Snook – Sustainability and Flood Risk Officer (Projects)

Ward(s) Affected

All Wards



Exemption Reason


Corporate Priority





Committee is asked to:

Approve the bid for funding of £2500 as set out in Appendix A relating to the application for Carbon Literacy Accreditation.

Reason for Recommendation

This bid has been submitted to and considered by the Climate Change Working Group. Approval from the Committee is required for the funding to be awarded.

This aligns with our Environment corporate priority action of completing all criteria needed to become a Carbon Literate Organisation (CLO). Achieving this shows that we are serious about educating and training staff and Members about climate change and integrating it within their role to reduce emissions.


1.            Summary of the report

What is the situation

Why we want to do something

      The committee is asked to consider the application for Green Initiatives Funding concerning Spelthorne Council to become accredited as a Carbon Literate Organisation.

      As we strive towards our net zero ambitions, we have been training staff to become carbon literate.

      We are now at the milestone where we can apply to be a carbon literate organisation showing our commitment to the climate emergency.

      This is one of our corporate priorities under the environment strand.

This is what we want to do about it

These are the next steps

      Secure funding to apply for bronze and silver accreditation as an organisation.

      Utilising the green initiatives fund, actioning the proposal set out within the bid.


1.1         This report seeks to set out a decision on the grant of funding from an application by the climate change and sustainability team, considered by the Climate Change Working Group in accordance with the Council’s requirements for bids to the Green Initiatives Fund.

1.2         CLO accreditation is the visible ‘badge’ that showcases an organisation as committed to Carbon Literacy (CL), having a substantial number of people who are Carbon Literate, and having a commitment to support its Carbon Literate people and maintain its low carbon culture.

1.3         We have met all criteria needed to apply for bronze accreditation.

1.4         We have met the criteria of number of staff trained for silver accreditation. The additional criteria to meet silver include:

·         Showing evidence our commitment to the programme (e.g. posting about our CL journey on social media, CEO/Senior member sharing their CL certificate on LinkedIn and email signatures, sharing a link of where we will be publishing our case study on the website, sharing a link of where the CLO logo will be added to the website)

·         Have integrated Carbon Literacy into the performance management and assessment systems of the organisation.

1.5         In line with the corporate priorities and timelines, we are aiming to complete all criteria for silver by end of Q1 2025.

1.6         After gaining bronze and silver accreditation, SBC can continue building on our achievements to carbon literacy and work towards the final two tiers of the accreditation, gold and platinum.

2.            Key issues

2.1         The bid form set out the criteria that the proposed project should meet, as well as guidance on who may apply.

3.            Options analysis and proposal

3.1         Option 1, to agree the proposed green initiatives fund bid amounting to £2500 to cover the cost of applying for full accreditation of both bronze and silver level.

3.2         Option 2, not to agree to funding.

4.            Financial management comments

4.1         The Council allocated £747,000 to create the Green Initiative Fund to address the Climate Emergency the Council declared in October 2020. The total use so far is £167,519, leaving a balance of £579,481. An additional £66,400 has been committed but not yet spent.

4.2         The cost for bronze accreditation is £1500. The cost of silver is £1000.

4.3         Additional funding would be required if SBC continue to pursue the higher tier accreditations, gold and platinum.

5.            Risk management comments

5.1         Any proposals need take risks and mitigation measures.

6.            Procurement comments

6.1         No procurement considerations to be taken into account.

7.            Legal comments

7.1.       The legal team will be consulted as appropriate on any documentation that may be required.

8.     Other consideration

8.1.       There are no other considerations.

9.     Equality and Diversity

9.1.       Any proposals need take account of equality and diversity and mitigation measures.

10.  Sustainability/Climate Change Implications

10.1.    The nature of the applications to the Green Initiatives Fund requires them to meet the criteria set out in the Bid Form.

11.  Timetable for implementation

11.1.    18th June 2024: Climate Change Working Group

11.2.    17th September 2024: E&S Committee

11.3.    September 2024: Apply for bronze accreditation if funding is awarded

11.4.    Work towards completing and collating evidence for silver accreditation and apply end of September 2024

12.  Contact

12.1.    Gina Cook - Climate Change Officer (g.cook@spelthorne.gov.uk)

12.2.    Tim Snook - Sustainability and Flood Risk Officer (T.Snook@spelthorne.gov.uk)


Background papers: There are none.




Appendix A – GIF Bid form from Gina Cook Climate Change Officer SBC